Forbes Quotes Google's Rosing on Florida Update

Dec 3, 2003 - 5:35 pm 2 by
Filed Under Google Updates

Forbes published an article late last night (11:58PM), Change to Google ranking system irks merchants, quoting Google's Wayne Rosing, vice president of engineering, as saying the changes to Google's engine in its recent update "shows there was a significant quality improvement for our users".

The key word in that quote is "significant", I also do not know if Rosing deserves us to look at his words in such depth but what the hey. "Significant" in this content seems to be a synonym to the word most. But there is a reason Rosing did not use the word "most" in this quote. By using the word "significant" I would insinuate that he admits to there being a negative component to the update named Florida.

I have seen many cases of keyword phrases that produce really bad, irrelevant results. I feel Google will be making changes to their algorithm to make those results more relevant, it can't hurt for you to email Google at webmaster at with the subject florida update and your findings. It just gives them more to chew on for the next update.Don't get me wrong, this new update weeded out a lot of bad (spammy) sites from the rankings. For proof take a look at the Scroogle Hit List. This hit list displays the number of missing links, out of 100, from the previous update to this new (Florida) update. You will see many keywords at the top that are just someone spam appealing.

But I have seen cases where a search on a keyword phrase brings up totally irrelevant results.

So where to go from here? will continue later...


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