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Bobby commented on Most SEOs Did Not Send March 2024 Core Update Feedback To Google
Ok I did it, thanks for sharing the link. I think others just haven't seen it yet frankly. I hadn't.
Comment ID #6449140937 05/02/2024 02:05 am
Fred commented on Google March 2024 Core Update Finished April 19, 2024
Scroll down where someone calls a travel blogger's content unoriginal because it allegedly featured a destination someone has already covered. A horrible take but also an example of SEO people who don't get travel content and are obsessed with putting the most unrealistic standard towards content creators
Comment ID #6449137990 05/02/2024 02:05 am
Bobby commented on Most SEOs Did Not Send March 2024 Core Update Feedback To Google
Ok, I'm filling out the form now. I will show you which URL should be ranking at the top instead of it being invisible.
Comment ID #6449130612 05/02/2024 02:05 am
Jeff Addiego commented on How Prabhakar Raghavan Killed Google Search; Report
Anyone with half a brain knows google search is biased!! Stopped using them years ago. It’s all establishment shit!!
Comment ID #6449097185 05/02/2024 01:05 am
Jason commented on Google March 2024 Core Update Finished April 19, 2024
The X SEO'rs are stepping in with comments in some manner against the no recoveries. They told us about how bad the content on these hit sites was and to get fixing. All this in the hope that a few weeks later they can show sites they have worked with bounce backs (evidence why to follow or hire them - it's business and how it works -- not an issue there). Now all sites have done the said fixes and the aftermath of the March Core, it's all way worse, they can't push any recovery stories. This hasn't gone to plan or experienced the same pattern as other updates I've seen (all know this). It's uniquely aggressive. I'm not knocking the X SEO guys as they have their place on the net, and they do offer some value. But it's kind of nice to see their story change as pre March Core made them see they can't flog that non helpful content horse any longer, to readers/followers/customers.
Comment ID #6449027554 05/01/2024 10:05 pm
Golden Phoenix commented on Google March 2024 Core Update Finished April 19, 2024
These companies couldn't care less. They can have great earnings, they sabotage their own products, fire employees anyway, screw a lot of hardworking small businesses who contributed to their success. It is rough.
Comment ID #6449021345 05/01/2024 10:05 pm
Nick commented on Google March 2024 Core Update Finished April 19, 2024
it's bad when even the grifters admit something's wrong
Comment ID #6449019870 05/01/2024 10:05 pm
Bobby commented on Google March 2024 Core Update Finished April 19, 2024
Another round of layoffs at Google. Meanwhile, its stock is at all-time highs.
Comment ID #6449009021 05/01/2024 10:05 pm
PMB Brent commented on Google March 2024 Core Update Finished April 19, 2024
I stumbled upon this accidentally. I don't put much stock in what this person says, but it's worth noting as even THEY, of all people, are starting to admit that legitimately high-quality sites have gotten caught up in Google's destruction. More and more of this stuff is coming to light, and if Google has any integrity left, they will try to address it. I think they are certainly aware of it.
Comment ID #6448999773 05/01/2024 10:05 pm
Shannon commented on Google Search Flag GIF Leads To Nazi Flags
Double check. There are 2 "waving" buttons. The top one takes you to more American flags the second row of filters takes you to the Nazi flags.
Comment ID #6448973741 05/01/2024 09:05 pm
Shannon commented on Google Search Flag GIF Leads To Nazi Flags
If you didn't see it there are TWO "Waving" buttons. The top button will bring you to more American Flags, the button below that one takes you to the Nazi flags... Still... at 5:11pm EST May 1st. If you scroll it's ALL Nazi flags as well. ALSO, image #2 right now is the screen shot above of the flags on this exact post LOL!!!
Comment ID #6448971751 05/01/2024 09:05 pm
JD commented on Google March 2024 Core Update Finished April 19, 2024
Google search has been putting hallucinated results first lol:
Comment ID #6448946718 05/01/2024 08:05 pm
Finance-guy commented on Google March 2024 Core Update Finished April 19, 2024
For my HCU hit site, Google now only makes up 43% of traffic. It used to be 90% Thanks god for DDG and Bing who are slowly growing. Goolag sucks.
Comment ID #6448925179 05/01/2024 08:05 pm
The190IQ_Equalizer commented on Google March 2024 Core Update Finished April 19, 2024
Ahref and semrush are criminals just like Google showing inaccurate and manipulative data.
Comment ID #6448921290 05/01/2024 07:05 pm
JoshL1 commented on Google March 2024 Core Update Finished April 19, 2024
Ahrefs traffic checker has gone bezerk! Showing 10x the actual amount of visitors.
Comment ID #6448920725 05/01/2024 07:05 pm
John A. User commented on Google March 2024 Core Update Finished April 19, 2024
What useful projects could a Googler come up... Fix rankings, indexing etc.... No, A FART BUTTON
Comment ID #6448917311 05/01/2024 07:05 pm
Bobby commented on Google March 2024 Core Update Finished April 19, 2024
Where does Adsense tell you why they "blocked your content"?
Comment ID #6448910240 05/01/2024 07:05 pm
Ran Damme commented on Google March 2024 Core Update Finished April 19, 2024
True. I hate talking to chatbots. Nobody wants to deal with these bots.
Comment ID #6448909123 05/01/2024 07:05 pm
The190IQ_Equalizer commented on Google March 2024 Core Update Finished April 19, 2024
traffic diversification is cope for 90% of HCU-hit sites you are just switching one master with another br4b investing 1000 hours to build a facebook page and get like 100 views for every 100k likes br4b building 100k newsletter so that 100 people open the e-mail, 10 unsub and 90 ignore it. also, you need search traffic to built a newsletter in the first place; You first get the search traffic, then people sub. br4 slaving to pinterest daily br4b spamming twitter daily Also, most HCU-site are not even that marketable. They are 100% build for search and meant to be used like this - somebody has a problem - googlesit - finds your site Nothing marketable about 90% of those sites so, I guess traffic diversification is the new cope Social media traffic is cool for a specific product, but to market a content site daily - lol - enjoy though gg ez no re from me
Comment ID #6448883058 05/01/2024 07:05 pm
JohnWinner commented on Google March 2024 Core Update Finished April 19, 2024
They know what you do with the zucchinis and cucumbers!
Comment ID #6448877814 05/01/2024 06:05 pm
LTunited commented on Google March 2024 Core Update Finished April 19, 2024
Yesterday I wrote good article, today I got traffic from Discover. I see about 30 000 ads show, but Google Adsense blocked this article and I got zero (0) money. Reason: sexual content :DD WTF? Content was about food shops... No sexual conent at all website... They do it on purpose
Comment ID #6448869809 05/01/2024 06:05 pm
Kaj Kandler commented on Google Knowledge Panel With Auto-Translated Text
Does Google do this translation based on location or based on the language profile I have selected in my browser? I have seen Google translate part of the user interface, solely based on the fact I was in Poland. That is not very helpful, because I don't speak Polish. I'd prefer if Google would respect the "Accept-Language" header as it is W3C standard.
Comment ID #6448863988 05/01/2024 06:05 pm
altaf commented on Google March 2024 Core Update Finished April 19, 2024
Same Here. Before sep 23, many of my article are ranking on top 3, and when i pusblish new article, they were got instant index and also appears in 2-3 pages in serp, but now, all the posts are just disappeared, traffic 0 even new post are getting index but not seen anywhere.
Comment ID #6448857756 05/01/2024 06:05 pm
John A. User commented on Google Search Flag GIF Leads To Nazi Flags
3 hours later, still happens. Wonder if Google are aware of it.... Confirm Nation -> India flag.
Comment ID #6448854356 05/01/2024 06:05 pm
John A. User commented on Google March 2024 Core Update Finished April 19, 2024 Task force for AI by Congress, but they look into every one except content producers.
Comment ID #6448852551 05/01/2024 06:05 pm
snuffy commented on Most SEOs Did Not Send March 2024 Core Update Feedback To Google
Ranking is only one small part of the problem. Much of the problem is the design of the interface that a person receives when they type in a query and press "enter"'. We can't call that page a SERP because the first website in the search results can be 1000 or more pixels down. That top 1000 pixels is mostly ads, sponsored shopping results, people also ask, and other features that divert the "searcher" from real websites authored by real people. Many "searchers" never see the real search results.
Comment ID #6448852516 05/01/2024 06:05 pm
Aeternal commented on Google Search Flag GIF Leads To Nazi Flags
Didn't happen for me here in the U.S. However, I VPNed into Montreal and went to Sure enough the search term was changed to Nazi Flag Waving Gif when clicking on the waving refinement
Comment ID #6448851375 05/01/2024 06:05 pm
Ravi commented on Google March 2024 Core Update Finished April 19, 2024
Google has farked me so badly that I'm actually in DEBT now. 2022 and 2023 were great years and my content was always in top 3, now nowhere to be seen. Like how the hell does that happen. Google search is putting up ad ridden content where the actuall valid content is copied from my site and pasted on other sites that are actually showing up in search..... WTF!!!
Comment ID #6448829802 05/01/2024 05:05 pm
Finance-guy commented on Google March 2024 Core Update Finished April 19, 2024
Yesterday I got 12 visitors from Its already starting.
Comment ID #6448793414 05/01/2024 04:05 pm
Cobra Kai commented on Google Search Flag GIF Leads To Nazi Flags
Hey wise Jew cat! Haha not sure I'm so much back as just lurking, but thank you! Seeing how hilariously ironic this story is with Google yet again showing their true ideology and when contrasted with some of their biggest cheerleaders, I couldn't resist publicly laughing. I'm still just as HCU-fucked as everyone else, so I'm doing as well as the rest of us still fighting to stay afloat on the Titanic were stuck on together. It's real good though seeing you changed your mind and came back here after your farewell post the other week. You always articulate the truth about Google in a uniquely special way that has an impact on everyone here. Your posts often pack a nice fuck you punch which undoubtedly stings any Googler reading it, as only the truth does with weak serial liars who hate hearing inconvenient truth and avoid it at all costs.
Comment ID #6448779641 05/01/2024 04:05 pm

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