If you search for [flag GIF] on Google, click on the "waiving" refinement, you are taken to images of Nazi flags. I waited a full week to report on this, a full week from when Google acknowledged the issue and it is still an issue.
If you search for [flag gif], you will see a refinement to show you waiving flags:
If you click on "waiving" Google Search shows you Nazi flags:
This was posted on Mastodon on April 24th and Danny Sullivan, the Google Search Liaison, responded shortly after saying, "What!? Unintended Nazi! @dalebasler @bbartel Thank you for alerting me. I'm having it reviewed why this is happening now."
That was a week ago and it is still there.
Here is a GIF of this in action:
From an SEO perspective, I wonder how this happened???
Forum discussion at Mastodon.